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    [Resolvido]Conversão de Relatórios para PDF Funciona em XP e não funciona em Windows8


    Respeito às regras : Respeito às Regras 100%

    Sexo : Masculino
    Localização : Brasil
    Mensagens : 353
    Registrado : 29/03/2011

    [Resolvido]Conversão de Relatórios para PDF Funciona em XP e não funciona em Windows8 Empty Conversão de Relatórios para PDF Funciona em XP e não funciona em Windows8

    Mensagem  L34NDR0 29/8/2013, 16:40

    Esse problema vem se arrastando a muito tempo e estou ficando preocupado, pois até agora eu estava conseguindo contornar, até agora!

    Breve exposição da situação:

    O meu BD gera relatórios que são convertidos em PDF (vejam módulo abaixo descrito) e coloca esses PDFs em um diretório que alimenta uma página.
    Bom, enquanto eu estava usando o XP estava tudo bem, porém, a empresa trocou todos os micros e o sistema operacional passou a ser o windows8.
    Após essa mudança, melou tudo. Até ontem, eu contornava o problema pq estava utilizando um micro com o XP instalado e por isso continuava como sempre foi...
    Ocorre que hoje, ao tentar acessar a rede com o XP, não consegui pq havia um domínio de entrada na intranet (que era acessível somente com o XP) e o mesmo foi desativado. Então agora sou obrigado a utilizar o window8 e com ele o módulo dos relatórios não funciona. Me ferrei...

    De início, surgia uma mensagem dizendo que não haviam as DLLs "dynapdf.DLL" e "StrStorage.DLL" e depois de muita luta, veio a luz e eu somente copiei as DLLs para o diretório em que o BD está rodando e o processo passou a iniciar, mas, aí ele trava e diz que o aplicativo parou de funcionar e vem aquela caixa de diálogo que o Windows está buscando uma solução para o problema e em seguida tudo fecha...
    Alguém consegue me socorrer?


    Option Compare Database
    Option Explicit

    'Copyright: Stephen Lebans - Lebans Holdings 1999 Ltd.


    ' Plain and simple you are free to use this source within your own
    ' applications. whether private or commercial, without cost or obligation, other that keeping
    ' the copyright notices intact. No public notice of copyright is required.
    ' You may not resell this source code by itself or as part of a collection.
    ' You may not post this code or any portion of this code in electronic format.
    ' The source may only be downloaded from:
    'Name: ConvertReportToPDF
    'Version: 7.51
    ' 1) Export report to Snapshot and then to PDF. Output exact duplicate of a Report to PDF.
    'Author: Stephen Lebans
    'Web Site:
    'Date: Feb 21, 2006, 11:11:11 AM
    'Dependencies: DynaPDF.dll StrStorage.dll clsCommonDialog
    'Inputs: See inline Comments for explanation

    'Output: See inline Comments for explanation
    'Credits: Anyone who wants some!
    'BUGS: Please report any bugs to my email address.
    'What's Missing:
    ' Enhanced Error Handling
    'How it Works:
    ' A SnapShot file is created in the normal manner by code like:
    ' 'Export the selected Report to SnapShot format
    ' DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, rptName, "SnapshotFormat(*.snp)", _
    ' strPathandFileName
    ' rptName is the desired Report we are working with.
    ' strPathandFileName can be anything, in this Class it is a
    ' Temporary FileName and Path created with calls to the
    ' GetTempPath and GetUniqueFileName API's.
    ' We then pass the FileName to the SetupDecompressOrCopyFile API.
    ' This will decompress the original SnapShot file into a
    ' Temporary file with the same name but a "tmp" extension.
    ' The decompressed Temp SnapShot file is then passed to the
    ' ConvertUncompressedSnapshotToPDF function exposed by the StrStorage DLL.
    ' The declaration for this call is at the top of this module.
    ' The function uses the Structured Storage API's to
    ' open and read the uncompressed Snapshot file. Within this file,
    ' there is one Enhanced Metafile for each page of the original report.
    ' Additionally, there is a Header section that contains, among other things,
    ' a copy of the Report's Printer Devmode structure. We need this to
    ' determine the page size of the report.

    'The StrStorage DLL exposes one function.
    'Public Function ConvertUncompressedSnapshotToPDF( _
    'UnCompressedSnapShotName As String, _
    'OutputPDFname As String = "", _
    'Optional CompressionLevel As Long = 0, _
    'Optional PasswordOwner As String = "" _
    'Optional PasswordOpenAs String = "" _
    'Optional PasswordRestrictions as Long = 0, _
    'Optional PDFNoFontEmbedding As Long = 0 _
    ') As Boolean

    ' Now we call the ConvertUncompressedSnapshotToPDF funtion exposed by the StrStorage DLL.
    'blRet = ConvertUncompressedSnapshot(sFileName as String, sPDFFileName as String)
    'Have Fun!
    ' ******************************************************

    Public Declare Function ConvertUncompressedSnapshot Lib "StrStorage.dll" _
    (ByVal UnCompressedSnapShotName As String, _
    ByVal OutputPDFname As String, _
    Optional ByVal CompressionLevel As Long = 0, _
    Optional ByVal PasswordOwner As String = "", _
    Optional ByVal PasswordOpen As String = "", _
    Optional ByVal PasswordRestrictions As Long = 0, _
    Optional PDFNoFontEmbedding As Long = 0 _
    ) As Boolean

    ' For debugging with Visual C++
    'Lib "C:\VisualCsource\Debug\StrStorage.dll"

    Private Declare Function ShellExecuteA Lib "shell32.dll" _
    (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal lpOperation As String, _
    ByVal lpFile As String, ByVal lpParameters As String, _
    ByVal lpDirectory As String, ByVal nShowCmd As Long) As Long

    Private Declare Function LoadLibrary Lib "kernel32" _
    Alias "LoadLibraryA" (ByVal lpLibFileName As String) As Long

    Private Declare Function FreeLibrary Lib "kernel32" _
    (ByVal hLibModule As Long) As Long

    Private Declare Function GetTempPath Lib "kernel32" _
    Alias "GetTempPathA" (ByVal nBufferLength As Long, _
    ByVal lpBuffer As String) As Long

    Private Declare Function GetTempFileName _
    Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetTempFileNameA" _
    (ByVal lpszPath As String, _
    ByVal lpPrefixString As String, _
    ByVal wUnique As Long, _
    ByVal lpTempFileName As String) As Long

    Private Declare Function SetupDecompressOrCopyFile _
    Lib "setupAPI" _
    Alias "SetupDecompressOrCopyFileA" ( _
    ByVal SourceFileName As String, _
    ByVal TargetFileName As String, _
    ByVal CompressionType As Integer) As Long

    Private Declare Function SetupGetFileCompressionInfo _
    Lib "setupAPI" _
    Alias "SetupGetFileCompressionInfoA" ( _
    ByVal SourceFileName As String, _
    TargetFileName As String, _
    SourceFileSize As Long, _
    DestinationFileSize As Long, _
    CompressionType As Integer _
    ) As Long

    'Compression types
    Private Const FILE_COMPRESSION_NONE = 0
    Private Const FILE_COMPRESSION_MSZIP = 2

    Private Const Pathlen = 256
    Private Const MaxPath = 256

    ' Allow user to set FileName instead
    ' of using API Temp Filename or
    ' popping File Dialog Window
    Private mSaveFileName As String

    ' Full path and name of uncompressed SnapShot file
    Private mUncompressedSnapFile As String

    ' Name of the Report we ' working with
    Private mReportName As String

    ' Instance returned from LoadLibrary calls
    Private hLibDynaPDF As Long
    Private hLibStrStorage As Long

    Public Function ConvertReportToPDF( _
    Optional RptName As String = "", _
    Optional SnapshotName As String = "", _
    Optional OutputPDFname As String = "", _
    Optional ShowSaveFileDialog As Boolean = False, _
    Optional StartPDFViewer As Boolean = True, _
    Optional CompressionLevel As Long = 0, _
    Optional PasswordOwner As String = "", _
    Optional PasswordOpen As String = "", _
    Optional PasswordRestrictions As Long = 0, _
    Optional PDFNoFontEmbedding As Long = 0 _
    ) As Boolean

    ' RptName is the name of a report contained within this MDB
    ' SnapshotName is the name of an existing Snapshot file
    ' OutputPDFname is the name you select for the output PDF file
    ' ShowSaveFileDialog is a boolean param to specify whether or not to display
    ' the standard windows File Dialog window to select an exisiting Snapshot file
    ' CompressionLevel - not hooked up yet
    ' PasswordOwner - not hooked up yet
    ' PasswordOpen - not hooked up yet
    ' PasswordRestrictions - not hooked up yet
    ' PDFNoFontEmbedding - Do not Embed fonts in PDF. Set to 1 to stop the
    ' default process of embedding all fonts in the output PDF. If you are
    ' using ONLY - any of the standard Windows fonts
    ' using ONLY - any of the standard 14 Fonts natively supported by the PDF spec
    'The 14 Standard Fonts
    'All version of Adobe's Acrobat support 14 standard fonts. These fonts are always available
    'independent whether they're embedded or not.
    'Family name PostScript name Style
    'Courier Courier fsNone
    'Courier Courier-Bold fsBold
    'Courier Courier-Oblique fsItalic
    'Courier Courier-BoldOblique fsBold + fsItalic
    'Helvetica Helvetica fsNone
    'Helvetica Helvetica-Bold fsBold
    'Helvetica Helvetica-Oblique fsItalic
    'Helvetica Helvetica-BoldOblique fsBold + fsItalic
    'Times Times-Roman fsNone
    'Times Times-Bold fsBold
    'Times Times-Italic fsItalic
    'Times Times-BoldItalic fsBold + fsItalic
    'Symbol Symbol fsNone, other styles are emulated only
    'ZapfDingbats ZapfDingbats fsNone, other styles are emulated only

    Dim s As String
    Dim blRet As Boolean
    ' Let's see if the DynaPDF.DLL is available.
    blRet = LoadLib()
    If blRet = False Then
    ' Cannot find DynaPDF.dll or StrStorage.dll file
    Exit Function
    End If


    Dim strPath As String
    Dim strPathandFileName As String
    Dim strEMFUncompressed As String

    Dim sOutFile As String
    Dim lngRet As Long

    ' Init our string buffer
    strPath = Space(Pathlen)

    'Save the ReportName to a local var
    mReportName = RptName

    ' Let's kill any existing Temp SnapShot file
    If Len(mUncompressedSnapFile & vbNullString) > 0 Then
    Kill mUncompressedSnapFile
    mUncompressedSnapFile = ""
    End If

    ' If we have been passed the name of a Snapshot file then
    ' skip the Snapshot creation process below
    If Len(SnapshotName & vbNullString) = 0 Then

    ' Make sure we were passed a ReportName
    If Len(RptName & vbNullString) = 0 Then
    ' No valid parameters - FAIL AND EXIT!!
    ConvertReportToPDF = ""
    Exit Function
    End If

    ' Get the Systems Temp path
    ' Returns Length of path(num characters in path)
    lngRet = GetTempPath(Pathlen, strPath)
    ' Chop off NULLS and trailing "\"
    strPath = Left(strPath, lngRet) & Chr(0)

    ' Now need a unique Filename
    ' locked from a previous aborted attemp.
    ' Needs more work!
    strPathandFileName = GetUniqueFilename(strPath, "SNP" & Chr(0), "snp")

    ' Export the selected Report to SnapShot format
    ' DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, RptName, "SnapshotFormat(*.snp)", strPathandFileName

    'A saida de relatórios vazios não era gerada, então chamei a função de SNP antiga que tratava muito bem esses casos
    'Gerando um relatório com informação de inexistência de dados, e com o mesmo nome do relatório que seria feito.
    SaídaDoArquivoSnapshot 1, RptName, strPathandFileName

    ' Make sure the process has time to complete

    strPathandFileName = SnapshotName

    End If

    ' Let's decompress into same filename but change type to ".tmp"
    'strEMFUncompressed = Mid(strPathandFileName, 1, Len(strPathandFileName) - 3)
    'strEMFUncompressed = strEMFUncompressed & "tmp"
    Dim sPath As String * 512
    lngRet = GetTempPath(512, sPath)

    strEMFUncompressed = GetUniqueFilename(sPath, "SNP", "tmp")

    lngRet = SetupDecompressOrCopyFile(strPathandFileName, strEMFUncompressed, 0&)

    If lngRet <> 0 Then
    Err.Raise vbObjectError + 525, "ConvertReportToPDF.SetupDecompressOrCopyFile", _
    "Sorry...cannot Decompress SnapShot File" & vbCrLf & _
    "Please select a different Report to Export"
    End If

    ' Set our uncompressed SnapShot file name var
    mUncompressedSnapFile = strEMFUncompressed

    ' Remember to Cleanup our Temp SnapShot File if we were NOT passed the
    ' Snapshot file as the optional param
    If Len(SnapshotName & vbNullString) = 0 Then
    Kill strPathandFileName
    End If

    ' Do we name output file the same as the input file name
    ' and simply change the file extension to .PDF or
    ' do we show the File Save Dialog
    If ShowSaveFileDialog = False Then

    ' let's decompress into same filename but change type to ".tmp"
    ' But first let's see if we were passed an output PDF file name
    If Len(OutputPDFname & vbNullString) = 0 Then
    sOutFile = Mid(strPathandFileName, 1, Len(strPathandFileName) - 3)
    sOutFile = sOutFile & "PDF"
    sOutFile = OutputPDFname
    End If
    ' Call File Save Dialog
    sOutFile = fFileDialog()
    If Len(sOutFile & vbNullString) = 0 Then
    Exit Function
    End If

    End If

    ' Call our function in the StrStorage DLL
    ' Note the Compression and Password params are not hooked up yet.
    blRet = ConvertUncompressedSnapshot(mUncompressedSnapFile, sOutFile, _
    CompressionLevel, PasswordOwner, PasswordOpen, PasswordRestrictions, PDFNoFontEmbedding)

    If blRet = False Then

    Err.Raise vbObjectError + 526, "ConvertReportToPDF.ConvertUncompressedSnaphot", _
    "Sorry...damaged SnapShot File" & vbCrLf & _
    "Please select a different Report to Export"
    End If

    ' Do we open new PDF in registered PDF viewer on this system?
    If StartPDFViewer = True Then
    ShellExecuteA Application.hWndAccessApp, "open", sOutFile, vbNullString, vbNullString, 1
    End If

    ' Success
    ConvertReportToPDF = True


    ' Let's kill any existing Temp SnapShot file
    'If Len(mUncompressedSnapFile & vbNullString) > 0 Then
    On Error Resume Next
    Kill mUncompressedSnapFile
    mUncompressedSnapFile = ""
    'End If

    ' If we aready loaded then free the library
    If hLibStrStorage <> 0 Then
    hLibStrStorage = FreeLibrary(hLibStrStorage)
    End If

    If hLibDynaPDF <> 0 Then
    hLibDynaPDF = FreeLibrary(hLibDynaPDF)
    End If

    Exit Function

    'MsgBox Err.Description, vbOKOnly, Err.Source & ":" & Err.Number
    mUncompressedSnapFile = ""
    ConvertReportToPDF = False

    End Function

    Private Function LoadLib() As Boolean
    Dim s As String
    Dim blRet As Boolean

    On Error Resume Next

    LoadLib = False

    ' If we aready loaded then free the library
    If hLibDynaPDF <> 0 Then
    hLibDynaPDF = FreeLibrary(hLibDynaPDF)
    End If

    ' Our error string
    s = "Sorry...cannot find the DynaPDF.dll file" & vbCrLf
    s = s & "Please copy the DynaPDF.dll file to your Windows System32 folder or into the same folder as this Access MDB."

    ' OK Try to load the DLL assuming it is in the Window System folder
    hLibDynaPDF = LoadLibrary("DynaPDF.dll")
    If hLibDynaPDF = 0 Then
    ' See if the DLL is in the same folder as this MDB
    ' CurrentDB works with both A97 and A2K or higher
    hLibDynaPDF = LoadLibrary(CurrentDBDir() & "DynaPDF.dll")
    If hLibDynaPDF = 0 Then
    MsgBox s, vbOKOnly, "MISSING DynaPDF.dll FILE"
    LoadLib = False
    Exit Function
    End If
    End If

    ' Our error string
    s = "Sorry...cannot find the StrStorage.dll file" & vbCrLf
    s = s & "Please copy the StrStorage.dll file to your Windows System32 folder or into the same folder as this Access MDB."

    ' ** Commented out for Debugging only - Must be active
    ' ***************************************************************************
    ' OK Try to load the DLL assuming it is in the Window System folder
    hLibStrStorage = LoadLibrary("StrStorage.dll")
    If hLibStrStorage = 0 Then
    ' See if the DLL is in the same folder as this MDB
    ' CurrentDB works with both A97 and A2K or higher
    hLibStrStorage = LoadLibrary(CurrentDBDir() & "StrStorage.dll")
    If hLibStrStorage = 0 Then
    MsgBox s, vbOKOnly, "MISSING StrStorage.dll FILE"
    Exit Function
    End If
    End If

    LoadLib = True
    End Function

    '******************** Code Begin ****************
    'Code courtesy of
    'Terry Kreft & Ken Getz
    Private Function CurrentDBDir() As String
    Dim strDBPath As String
    Dim strDBFile As String
    strDBPath = CurrentDb.Name
    strDBFile = Dir(strDBPath)
    CurrentDBDir = Left$(strDBPath, Len(strDBPath) - Len(strDBFile))
    End Function
    '******************** Code End ****************

    Private Function GetUniqueFilename(Optional path As String = "", _
    Optional Prefix As String = "", _
    Optional UseExtension As String = "") _
    As String

    ' originally Posted by Terry Kreft
    ' to: -Access
    ' Subject: Re: Creating Unique filename ??? (Dev code)
    ' Date: 01/15/2000
    ' Author: Terry Kreft

    ' SL Note: Input strings must be NULL terminated.
    ' Here it is done by the calling function.

    Dim wUnique As Long
    Dim lpTempFileName As String
    Dim lngRet As Long

    wUnique = 0
    If path = "" Then path = CurDir
    lpTempFileName = String(MaxPath, 0)
    lngRet = GetTempFileName(path, Prefix, _
    wUnique, lpTempFileName)

    lpTempFileName = Left(lpTempFileName, _
    InStr(lpTempFileName, Chr(0)) - 1)
    Call Kill(lpTempFileName)
    If Len(UseExtension) > 0 Then
    lpTempFileName = Left(lpTempFileName, Len(lpTempFileName) - 3) & UseExtension
    End If
    GetUniqueFilename = lpTempFileName
    End Function

    Private Function fFileDialog() As String
    ' Calls the API File Save Dialog Window
    ' Returns full path to new File

    On Error GoTo Err_fFileDialog

    ' Call the File Common Dialog Window
    Dim clsDialog As Object
    Dim strTemp As String
    Dim strFname As String

    Set clsDialog = New clsCommonDialog

    ' Fill in our structure
    ' I'll leave in how to select Gif and Jpeg to
    ' show you how to build the Filter in case you want
    ' to use this code in another project.
    clsDialog.Filter = "PDF (*.PDF)" & Chr$(0) & "*.PDF" & Chr$(0)
    'clsDialog.Filter = clsDialog.Filter & "Gif (*.GIF)" & Chr$(0) & "*.GIF" & Chr$(0)
    'clsDialog.Filter = "ALL (*.*)" & Chr$(0) & "*.*" & Chr$(0)
    clsDialog.hDC = 0
    clsDialog.MaxFileSize = 256
    clsDialog.Max = 256
    clsDialog.FileTitle = vbNullString
    clsDialog.DialogTitle = "Please Select a path and Enter a Name for the PDF File"
    clsDialog.InitDir = vbNullString
    clsDialog.DefaultExt = vbNullString

    ' Display the File Dialog

    ' See if user clicked Cancel or even selected
    ' the very same file already selected
    strFname = clsDialog.FileName
    'If Len(strFname & vbNullString) = 0 Then
    ' Raise the exception
    ' Err.Raise vbObjectError + 513, "clsPrintToFit.fFileDialog", _
    '"Please type in a Name for a New File"
    'End If

    ' Return File Path and Name
    fFileDialog = strFname


    Set clsDialog = Nothing
    Exit Function

    fFileDialog = ""
    MsgBox Err.Description, vbOKOnly, Err.Source & ":" & Err.Number
    Resume Exit_fFileDialog

    End Function

    Public Function fFileDialogSnapshot() As String
    ' Calls the API File Open Dialog Window
    ' Returns full path to existing Snapshot File

    On Error GoTo Err_fFileDialog

    ' Call the File Common Dialog Window
    Dim clsDialog As Object
    Dim strTemp As String
    Dim strFname As String

    Set clsDialog = New clsCommonDialog

    ' Fill in our structure
    ' I'll leave in how to select Gif and Jpeg to
    ' show you how to build the Filter in case you want
    ' to use this code in another project.
    clsDialog.Filter = "SNAPSHOT (*.SNP)" & Chr$(0) & "*.SNP" & Chr$(0)
    'clsDialog.Filter = "ALL (*.*)" & Chr$(0) & "*.*" & Chr$(0)
    clsDialog.hDC = 0
    clsDialog.MaxFileSize = 256
    clsDialog.Max = 256
    clsDialog.FileTitle = vbNullString
    clsDialog.DialogTitle = "Please Select a Snapshot File"
    clsDialog.InitDir = vbNullString
    clsDialog.DefaultExt = vbNullString

    ' Display the File Dialog

    ' See if user clicked Cancel or even selected
    ' the very same file already selected
    strFname = clsDialog.FileName
    If Len(strFname & vbNullString) = 0 Then
    ' Do nothing. Add your desired error logic here.
    End If

    ' Return File Path and Name
    fFileDialogSnapshot = strFname


    Set clsDialog = Nothing
    Exit Function

    fFileDialogSnapshot = ""
    MsgBox Err.Description, vbOKOnly, Err.Source & ":" & Err.Number
    Resume Exit_fFileDialog

    End Function

    Public Function fFileDialogSavePDFname() As String
    ' Calls the API File Open Dialog Window
    ' Returns full path to existing Snapshot File

    On Error GoTo Err_fFileDialog

    ' Call the File Common Dialog Window
    Dim clsDialog As Object
    Dim strTemp As String
    Dim strFname As String

    Set clsDialog = New clsCommonDialog

    ' Fill in our structure
    ' I'll leave in how to select Gif and Jpeg to
    ' show you how to build the Filter in case you want
    ' to use this code in another project.
    clsDialog.Filter = "PDF (*.PDF)" & Chr$(0) & "*.PDF" & Chr$(0)
    'clsDialog.Filter = "ALL (*.*)" & Chr$(0) & "*.*" & Chr$(0)
    clsDialog.hDC = 0
    clsDialog.MaxFileSize = 256
    clsDialog.Max = 256
    clsDialog.FileTitle = vbNullString
    clsDialog.DialogTitle = "Please Select a name for the PDF File"
    clsDialog.InitDir = vbNullString
    clsDialog.DefaultExt = vbNullString

    ' Display the File Dialog

    ' See if user clicked Cancel or even selected
    ' the very same file already selected
    strFname = clsDialog.FileName
    If Len(strFname & vbNullString) = 0 Then
    ' Do nothing. Add your desired error logic here.
    End If

    ' Return File Path and Name
    fFileDialogSavePDFname = strFname


    Set clsDialog = Nothing
    Exit Function

    fFileDialogSavePDFname = ""
    MsgBox Err.Description, vbOKOnly, Err.Source & ":" & Err.Number
    Resume Exit_fFileDialog

    End Function

    Respeito às regras : Respeito às Regras 100%

    Sexo : Masculino
    Localização : Brasil
    Mensagens : 353
    Registrado : 29/03/2011

    [Resolvido]Conversão de Relatórios para PDF Funciona em XP e não funciona em Windows8 Empty Re: [Resolvido]Conversão de Relatórios para PDF Funciona em XP e não funciona em Windows8

    Mensagem  L34NDR0 2/9/2013, 14:10

    Copiei e colei as seguintes DLLs no diretório do aplicativo e funcionou...


    Foi um dia iluminado!

      Data/hora atual: 10/5/2024, 12:27